



Long list of topics for maple show this weekend

Peter Gregg | January 4, 2024

SYRACUSE, N.Y.—The Mid-Winter Maple Classic in central New York is returning this weekend after a one-year absence. Walk-ins are welcome but are not guaranteed a meal ticket and will be responsible for their own breakfast and lunch arrangements.

Friday, January 5 - 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Attendee Registration opens at 4pm
Browse the Trade Show
There will be Pizza and cash bar starting at 6 pm.
Saturday, January 6 - 8 am - 4:30 pm

Full trade show all day
There will be multiple 1-hour workshop sessions at 9:00 am and 10:30 am, and 1:30 pm and 3:00 pm


Mid-Winter Maple Classic returns to Syracuse this weekend

Peter Gregg | January 3, 2024

SYRACUSE, N.Y.—The big show in central New York is returning this weekend after a one-year absence.

Walk-ins are welcome at the door.

The NYS Mid-Winter Maple Classic is this Friday and Saturday, January 5-6 at the OnCenter in downtown Syracuse.

The show will include a full slate of 27 different expert speakers, seminars and a huge trade show. MORE ]


Producers worried about terrible looking trees

Peter Gregg | September 29, 2023

RUPERT, Vt.—It’s not your imagination. The trees look terrible this fall.

Many folks are noticing the horrible appearance of the leaves on the maples in many areas of the Northeast.

Trees have looked spotted and a dull yellowish brown.

UVM Extension maple expert Mark Isselhardt said in the past couple of weeks he’s been fielding phone calls from worried producers.

Isselhardt said there is nothing unusual going on. Trees are mostly done making their sugar as of July.

He blamed most of the situation on the extreme wet weather we've had in the Northeast this summer. MORE ]


Plan now to attend the Lake Erie Maple Expo

| September 14, 2023

ALBION, Pa.—The Lake Erie Maple Expo in Northwestern PA gives lots of learning opportunities and insight into the art of Maple Syrup.

The show will feature classes for the expert as well as for the hobbyist.

This year, producers will have five workshop topics to choose from.

A sample agenda for the Friday Workshops potentially includes;

● Maple Tubing Installation layout and design

● Maple Confections and Value Added Maple Products

● A Maple Workshop for Beginners

● Advanced Tubing & Vacuum


Seal up your sap collection tanks

Peter Gregg | July 11, 2023

SHELBURNE FALLS, Mass.—Sealing up the tanks makes for cleaner sap.

Hunter Sessions, 22, and father Criag Sessions of Winston’s Sugar House in Shelburne Falls, Mass. have sealed up thier sap collection tanks airtight.

“You try to keep the sap as clean as you can before you process it,” Craig Sessions said.

“You don't want it filling up with rainwater or any other contaminants in there.”

Hunter said the less particles or dirt in the tank, the better it is for the RO membranes. MORE ]


Vermont maple recognizes outstanding sugarmakers

| June 27, 2023

RICHFORD, Vt.—The Vermont Maple Sugar Makers’ Association (VMSMA) presented the 2023 Annual Maple Awards and announced winners of their first annual maple contest at their annual meeting held on Saturday.

Outstanding Sugar Maker Award was given to Cody Armstrong, of Randolph Center, Vt.

Armstrong represents the next generation of Vermont sugar makers by focusing on achieving high yields, producing high quality syrup, and contributing to the vitality of the Vermont maple industry, the VMSMA said.

Amstrong has also shown interest in supporting students interested in maple by volunteering at the Vermont FFA Maple Career Development Event and looks forward to mentoring the next generation of sugar makers. MORE ]


New from Leader + H20, Exactap tapping tool

Peter Gregg | June 27, 2023

SWANTON, Vt.—Leader + H20 has introduced a new tapping-assist tool.

New from Leader + H20 the Exactap tree tapping tool. It retails for $499. Available at all dealers for the upcoming season.

Currently the item has two fittings—one for a DeWalt drill and the other for a Milwaukee drill.

Designed to perfect and stabilize tap hole drilling.

Quick detach tool can be removed after the season and use the drill the rest of the year. MORE ]