SYRACUSE, N.Y.—And then there were none.
The last remaining scheduled winter maple shows have now been canceled.
The 2021 New York Winter Maple Conference has become the latest maple event to succumb to the COVID -19 virus. Also canceled this week, the Wisconsin Winter Institute hosted by the Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association.
The WMSPA will instead be hosting a virtual edition of the event, with a large agenda of educational seminars via Zoom.
"This decision was a not taken lightly and WMSPA knew it would affect everyone involved, but they felt for the safety of Winter Institute participants and vendors this was the best course of action until COVID is under control," the group said in a statement to The Maple News.
Back in New York, the Mid-Winter Maple Classic annual conference and trade show was scheduled to take place January 8 and 9. The Winter Institute was scheduled for the same weekend in Wausau, Wisc.
In New York, the New York State Fairgrounds has been closed to all indoor events since the start of the pandemic.
Early in October, state fair management advised state maple officials that they expect the building closure to continue into 2021 and therefore the state fairgrounds could not be planned for as the location for the Winter Classic.
“The Covid 19 pandemic has forced the NYSMPA board to make very hard decisions. Cancelling Maple Weekend was a toughie,” said NYSMPA President Tony VanGlad.
“The Governor's order to stop large public gatherings, such as fairs, festivals and even the NYS fair has made it difficult for maple producers,” he said. “Our maple classic host, the NYS fairgrounds cannot host us this year. The NYSMPA board decided not to have the Maple Classic this year to ensure safety for the country’s maple community.”
Tentatively, the 2022 MWMC is scheduled for January 7 & 8, 2022.
Plans are to follow the previous day-and-a-half, in-person format and offer the best in maple workshops coupled with an industry-leading maple trade show.
In the meantime, the IMSI / NAMSC has been set for October 18 – 21, 2021 at the Sheraton Niagara Falls Hotel Conference and Event Center, Niagara Falls, New York. Details for this event will be forthcoming. Wisconsin will be hosting the international conference in 2022.
While disappointing, show organizers appreciate all the efforts made by our maple industry partners and commitments to be part of a terrific event in the future.
“Stay healthy see you next year!” VanGlad said.
For more information, contact MWMC Conference Coordinator Keith Schiebel at